Sip And Savor Wine Advent Calendar 2024

Sip & Savor Holiday Sweater Wine Advent Calendar Review MSA
Sip & Savor Holiday Sweater Wine Advent Calendar Review MSA from


Wine lovers, rejoice! The highly anticipated Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar is back for 2024. This advent calendar offers a fun and exciting way to count down the days until Christmas while enjoying a variety of delicious wines from around the world. Each day, you get to uncover a new bottle of wine to sip and savor, making the holiday season even more enjoyable. Here’s everything you need to know about the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar 2024.

What is the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar?

The Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar is a unique and fun way to celebrate the holiday season. It’s an advent calendar filled with 24 bottles of wine from different regions around the world. Each bottle is carefully curated by wine experts, ensuring that you get to experience a wide range of flavors and aromas. The calendar is designed to be opened one day at a time, with each bottle corresponding to a specific day leading up to Christmas Eve.

What Wines are Included in the Calendar?

The Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar features a variety of wines from different regions and grape varietals. Some of the wines you can expect to see include reds, whites, roses, and sparkling wines. You can also expect to see wines from well-known regions like Napa Valley, France, and Italy, as well as some lesser-known regions like Portugal and South Africa. The wines are carefully selected by experts to ensure a diverse and exciting selection.

How to Enjoy the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar?

To make the most of your Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar, it’s best to start at the beginning of December and open one bottle per day leading up to Christmas Eve. This allows you to fully experience each wine and savor the flavors and aromas. You can enjoy the wine on its own or pair it with your favorite holiday dishes. It’s also a great way to discover new wines and expand your wine knowledge.


How Do I Purchase the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar?

The Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar is typically available for purchase online and in select wine stores. Keep an eye out for announcements and updates from the official Sip and Savor website and social media pages to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to purchase one.

Is the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar Worth the Cost?

The Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar is definitely worth the cost for wine lovers who want to experience new and exciting wines during the holiday season. The cost of the calendar varies depending on the region and the wines included, but it’s usually priced around $150-$250. Considering the quality and variety of wines included, it’s a great value for the price.

Can I Purchase the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar as a Gift?

Yes, the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar makes a great gift for any wine lover in your life. You can purchase the calendar and have it shipped directly to the recipient, or you can purchase it in-store and gift it yourself. It’s a unique and thoughtful gift that’s sure to be appreciated.

What if I Don’t Like a Wine Included in the Calendar?

While it’s rare to not enjoy a wine included in the Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar, it’s always possible. If you don’t like a particular wine, don’t worry. You can always save it for a future occasion or give it as a gift to someone who might enjoy it more. The calendar is about discovering new wines and expanding your palate, so don’t be afraid to try something new.


The Sip and Savor Wine Advent Calendar 2024 is a must-have for any wine lover who wants to make the holiday season even more enjoyable. With a variety of carefully curated wines from around the world, you’re sure to discover new and exciting flavors and aromas. Whether you’re purchasing the calendar for yourself or as a gift, it’s an unforgettable experience that’s sure to make the holiday season even more special.

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