Lawn Care Calendar For Kentucky 2024

2021 Lawn Care Calendar Calendar Template 2022
2021 Lawn Care Calendar Calendar Template 2022 from


Keeping your lawn healthy and green year-round is not an easy task. It requires proper planning and execution. A lawn care calendar can help you stay on track with your lawn care tasks. In this article, we will provide you with a lawn care calendar for Kentucky in 2024. We will also answer some common questions related to lawn care in Kentucky.


The first quarter of the year is the time to prepare your lawn for the growing season. You should start by removing any debris, such as leaves or branches, from your lawn. This will help prevent the growth of mold and fungi. You should also apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent the growth of weeds.

Question: Can I apply fertilizer during this time?

Answer: It is not recommended to apply fertilizer during this time as it can damage the grass. Wait until the soil temperature is consistently above 50ยฐF before applying fertilizer.


This is the growing season for your lawn. You should mow your lawn regularly and keep the grass length between 2-3 inches. Water your lawn deeply once a week, preferably in the morning. This will help the grass develop deep roots. You should also apply fertilizer during this time to promote healthy growth.

Question: How often should I water my lawn?

Answer: Water your lawn deeply once a week. Avoid frequent shallow watering as it can lead to shallow roots and make your lawn more susceptible to drought.


This is the time when your lawn is under stress due to the heat. You should water your lawn deeply twice a week, preferably in the morning or evening. You should also mow your lawn at a higher setting to help shade the roots from the sun. If you notice any brown spots on your lawn, it may be a sign of drought stress. Water those areas deeply.

Question: Can I apply weed killer during this time?

Answer: It is not recommended to apply weed killer during this time as it can damage the grass. Wait until the temperature cools down in the fall before applying any weed killer.


This is the time to prepare your lawn for the winter. You should continue to mow your lawn until the grass stops growing. You should also aerate your lawn to improve soil drainage. Apply fertilizer during this time to help your lawn survive the winter.

Question: Should I rake the leaves off my lawn during the fall?

Answer: Yes, you should rake the leaves off your lawn during the fall. Leaves can block sunlight and trap moisture, which can lead to the growth of mold and fungi.


A lawn care calendar can help you stay on track with your lawn care tasks and ensure that your lawn stays healthy and green year-round. By following the lawn care calendar for Kentucky in 2024 and answering common questions related to lawn care in Kentucky, you can have a beautiful lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood.

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